Introducing Nautix R & R
Looking for some much needed R & R? The Nautix Reserve and Relax program may be exactly what is needed this summer!
While we hope that things get back to a new normal soon, we are entering Summer 2021 prepared with a solution that will provide a safe, recreational activity for you and your homeowners. With that goal in mind, Nautix is launching a reservation-based software that will allow you and your HOA members to reserve swim time at the pool, while also facilitating social distancing recommendations.
Although this software was originally designed for shared office spaces, we have found that it can be easily adapted for each individual HOA. Many of you are already familiar with reservemycourt.com, a website used widely for your tennis leagues. This software works in the same way but is a more robust, rules driven platform, that can be tailored to the needs of your specific community.
Many HOA facilities have already put certain rules in place that are specific to their facility, but in general, here is how it works:
1. After several discussions amongst ourselves and with our HOA board members, together we have concluded that the following rules should be put in place at the onset. We will start with a base set of rules programmed in for each HOA. They can easily be adapted to shifting official health guidelines, size of facility, and pool usage, but we want to keep the administration of the program simple and straightforward.
a. Currently social distancing limits facility occupancy. Reservations will start off by allowing a set number of families to sign up per time slot. This number will be based on your deck and pool size.
b. A family will be considered no more than 5 people and includes only your immediate family living under one roof within the neighborhood. No outside guests.
c. Reservations will be two hours long starting as soon as your pool opens, and the last reservation will be two hours prior to the pool closing.
i. Reservation rules for length of swim time can be adjusted based on the demand for reservations and size of your community.
d. A buffer period of 15 minutes will be built into the platform to allow for the first family to exit and the next family to enter. This buffer is automatically built into the software so families should simply arrive at their reserved time.
e. To allow as many people as possible to get some recreational swim time, each family can only make 1 reservation per week. This is also a rule that is automatically enforced by the software.
i. Reservation rules for frequency can be adjusted to suit. For example, a small HOA with 80 homes, and 10 hours of open pool time, can accommodate 20 families per day. Therefore, the entire neighborhood would have a chance to go to the pool once every 4 days. We assume not all households actively use the pool. In this example, allowing homeowners to visit the pool more than once per week, or increasing the amount of time they may spend at the pool, could be appropriate.
f. To allow as many people as possible, reservations can only be made one week in advance. Members will have to check back frequently to find new open slots. This is another rule that is automatically enforced by the software and will prevent any one family from mass booking the facility.
2. The HOA board decides who gets access! Assuming you have a list of your homeowners email addresses, we will provide you with an introduction template that will have a link embedded in it. This link can then be emailed to those members in good standing. Each “head of household” can then follow the link to create an account. The link is coded, and the account is specific to your pool.
3. Once the homeowner has created their account, they can quickly and easily make a reservation in any open time slot they see available.
4. The HOA accounts will be centrally administrated by the Nautix HR Staff. This will take the burden off the board and will also allow us to field phone calls or questions from your members.
5. For those who have lifeguards, pool monitors, or gate monitors, we propose a change up to the job duties to help facilitate smoother operation. On-site staff members would be able to verify online reservation should there be a discrepancy, assist with ensuring people without reservations are not simply showing up to the pool, and provide an additional layer of cleaning and disinfecting on and around the pool deck. They will continue to monitor the water chemistry and perform pool maintenance throughout the week.
Again, many of the parameters can be adjusted to your specific needs. Nautix will be working with anyone who is interested and discussing what that may look like for your individual HOA.
In this unique time, we realize that while this is not a perfect system, it is a fair system, and it is a system that may allow for some use of your facilities for some sun, some exercise, and a change of scenery! It is our ultimate goal to do our part in fighting this virus, while also providing our clients with a way to give their families a much needed distraction!
Please contact us if you are interested in implementing the Nautix R&R program or if you would like more information. In the meantime, we hope everybody is doing well and staying healthy!